
Hospitality Guide

Page history last edited by Janelle Varin 7 years, 11 months ago

Find Print Books in the Library

Use the Library Catalog to locate books in the library on your topic:

  • Perform a word or phrase search using keywords such as "travel tourism" or "travel AND tourism." Word or phrase searches will search the entire records of all the items in the catalog, including author, title, and subject areas.
  • Perform a subject search using a keyword such as "organic chemistry" to search for items on a specific topic.


The Library maintains a small collection of text book resources as well. Check our reserves collection for the latest editions.


E-Books are available as well through the OCC Library Databases. To access them log into Ocean Connect and click on the tab for Library Services. The link search for e-books will open the EBSCO eBooks database. 


Relevant Titles:


Feinstein, Andrew Hale, and John M. Stefanelli. Purchasing : Selection And Procurement For The Hospitality Industry. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2012. 


Kozak, M., and Arch G. Woodside. Tourists' Perceptions And Assessments. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing, 2014. 


Kozak, M., and Arch G. Woodside. Tourists' Behaviors And Evaluations. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing, 2014.


Munar, Ana María, Liping Cai, and Szilvia Gyimóthy. Tourism Social Media : Transformations In Identity, Community And Culture. Bradford: Emerald Group Publishing, 2013. 


Walker, John R. The Restaurant : From Concept To Operation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011. 


Find Articles


The Library subscribes to several article databases, each suited to different fields and levels of study. If you are away from campus, you will need to access these databases through Ocean Connect. If you are unsure how to do this, please follow these instructions, or ask a member of the Library's staff for assistance.


Here are a few suggested databases that may prove useful to your research:

  • Academic Search Premier: Provides full text access to a very broad range of topics: computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more.

  • Business Source Elite: This business database provides full text for over 1,000 business publications. The rich collection of titles in Business Source Elite provides information dating back to 1985. More than 10,100 substantial company profiles from Datamonitor are also included.
  • Communications and Mass Media Complete: Provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media. CMMC incorporates the content of CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Penn State) along with numerous other journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study.
  • Science Direct: A comprehensive, full text database providing coverage of core, scholarly journals and books from a wide variety of subject disciplines, including the biological, physical, and engineering/computer sciences, as well as social and behavioral sciences, such as psychology, education, and business.


Relevant Journals


Science Direct:

Annals of Tourism Research

International Journal of Hospitality Management

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Tourism Management

Tourism Management Perspectives

Business Source Elite

Journal of Services Research

Journal of Brand Management

Journal of Marketing Management

Journal of Services Marketing

Journal of Marketing

Restaurant Business

Hotel Management

Hotel and Motel Management

Academic Search Premier

Journal of Sustainable Tourism

Leisure Sciences


Business Profiles


Marketline Company Profiles are available through the database Business Source Elite. To Access them, open the database and select Company Profiles from the top bar.  

  • ·         Company Overview
  • ·         Key Facts
  • ·         Business Description
  • ·         History
  • ·         Key Employees
  • ·         Key Employee Biographies
  • ·         Major Products and Services
  • ·         Revenue Analysis
  • ·         SWOT Analysis
  • ·         Top Competitors
  • ·         Company View
  • ·         Locations and Subsidiaries


Internet Resources

Internet sources can vary in quality and usefulness as information for scholarly research.  This is true of the sources listed on this page.  If you need to use scholarly or peer-reviewed sources, look at the evaluation criteria from the Cornell University Libraries at the link below.  Cornell provides five simple criteria that can help solve the puzzle of whether the information found on the web is credible.

  • Hospitality Net
    Get news, opinions, and learn what's new with brands, trends and people in the Hospitality and Food industries.
  • Meeting Professionals International
    Meeting Professionals International (MPI), the premier global association community for meeting and event professionals, believes in the unequalled power of events and human connections to advance organizational objectives.
  • Nation's Restaurant News
    News, business and industry insights into the food and beverage sector.
  • Cruise Industry News
    With a combined circulation of more than 7,500, and a readership of more than 40,000 Cruise Industry News (CIN) covers all the cruise lines, shipyards and other key decision-makers.
  • American Hotel and Lodging Association
    For more than 100 years, AH&LA has been the only U.S. association focused solely on the needs of hoteliers.
  • California Restaurant Association
    The California Restaurant Association provides ultimate access to the resources and support restaurant professionals need to lead thriving businesses, while serving as conscientious, contributing members of an unparalleled industry.
  • National Restaurant Association The National Restaurant Association (NRA) is the largest food-service trade association in the world*—supporting over 500,000 restaurant businesses.


Career Resources

The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has worked with the National Travel and Tourism Office of the Department of Commerce and with technical and subject matter experts from education, business, and industry to develop a comprehensive competency model for the Hospitality, Tourism, and Events industry. The model identifies the knowledge, skills, and abilities that provide a foundation for industry workers, as well as competencies specific to key sectors.

An online resource that highlights fast growing industries, gives in depth details on specific occupations, and offers an 'Interest Profiler" to suggest occupations.

A Publication of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it offers data on career outlooks and expectations for those entering particular fields.


Video Resources


This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We can all do something small to make experiences better for people.

Stuckey, Bobby. "Be a Hospitalian." Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube, 5 Nov. 2014. Web. 11 Sept. 2015. 




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